
Finding Real Relief From High Taxes

It is the bane of citizens everywhere: high taxes that can crimp your lifestyle, even affect the way that you do business. In many areas, citizens are revolting against ever increasing taxes by insisting that lawmakers hold the line on spending. The results of these efforts are mixed and largely depend on the community’s determination to hold our elected official’s feet to the fire. Are you seeking real and last relief from high taxes? If so, read on and we’ll explore ways you can keep your own taxes in line.

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and render unto God the things that are God’s. Yes, even in Bible times taxes were a big issue. Back then, the government extracted taxes from its citizens by force, if necessary. The biblical command is clear: what the government wants, the government should get. Of course, illegal means of obtaining tax money is never encouraged but obviously the mandate is that all citizens must pay their share of taxes.

Today, modern democratic governments allow citizens to have at least some voice in how governments tax its people. In many cases this can even involve a proposition to the law, California is famous for this, where citizens can demand that the government cap taxes. By vote, citizens have the power to tell their elected officials how they must run the government.

Unfortunately, very few places empower their citizens to the point that California does. However, real relief for you can come in several different ways and the sum of each can add up to decent savings. These include:

Itemizing your tax returns. The IRS permits taxpayers to itemize their deductions to lessen their overall tax burden. Millions of taxpayers do not itemize, losing hundreds of dollars per year in potential tax savings.

Disputing property taxes. Property tax increases that are several times the inflation rate are commonplace in many northeastern states. While you may never be able to roll back taxes you can dispute an erroneous assessment. Challenge your tax bill with your tax assessor to drop your annual burden by 5 to 10 percent or more.

Contesting Sales Tax Increases. A state sales tax increase from 6 to 7 percent may not sound like much to most consumers. However, if you regularly spend 10,000 per year on goods, that amount translates into a quick $100 tax increase. Perhaps your governor needs to be reminded that the fat should be trimmed before the taxpayers are bilked.

Naturally, raising your voices collectively will go added weight to your cause. If you know that government mismanagement is behind the proposed tax increase, band together with other citizens and demand some accountability. Everyone deserves relief from high taxes including you!

Article Source: http://www.kokkada.com

Jeff Lakie is an accomplished Webmaster and publisher of The Tax Guide where he provides information on free online tax help live. Why not stop by and see what Jeff has to say on the subject.