
Credit Repair: Transform Your Life

by Chane Steiner

Chances are if you're reading this article you or someone you know has had credit issues in the past or are plagued by bad credit right now. There are many reasons for you to make credit repair an immediate priority in your life. There are also many reasons that you might hesitate. Most people don't even know where to start or that it's even possible to repair your credit.

Credit reports are not fun to read. Past credit issues are not fun to think about and it can be embarrassing getting denied for a loan. But there is a lot at stake. If you are not interested in learning credit repair, consider hiring a credit repair professional to help you through the process. You can regain control of life. Over time it will cost you much less for credit repair than it will for you to have bad credit. Either way, whether you decide to have a professional do it or decide to do it yourself, it's time to do something about it now - not when you are ready to apply for that mortgage, car loan, cell phone etc.

I started out by repairing my own credit. I filed bankruptcy about 2 years ago. Almost everyone I talked to said that I would have bad credit for 10 years after my bankruptcy. They didn't mean to misinform me; it's just what they've been told all of their lives. Well, I'm here to tell you it's just not true.

My scores at the time I filed were around 450 across the board. They are now around 700. I've been able to get a great interest rate on a brand new car, a few great credit cards and I know I will get a great rate on a mortgage soon.

I made a few mistakes when I started repairing my credit because I jumped into it. I've learned so much since then and I continue to learn more everyday. The more you know about personal finance and credit the better off you are. I help other people repair their credit now. I work full time as a credit repair specialist and also help people at my credit repair forum for free. People are amazed at the impact that a competent credit repair professional can have on their credit scores and on their ability to completely transform their financial life.

Credit repair can save you tens of thousands of dollars. It can bring you confidence and the lost knowledge that you have control over your own life. Simple put, life is much better with good credit.

It's time to take action. The first step is to learn how to repair your credit or consult a credit repair professional. You might be surprised to hear that your past credit problems are probably not the sole, or for that matter, the largest factor in your low credit scores. There are a terrible number of errors ranging from subtle misreporting to obvious redundancy that plague consumers and damage their credit scores. The first step in an effective credit repair program is to identify every single one of these issues and eliminate them. But there is more.

Real credit repair requires an intimate knowledge of the impact that every item on your report can have on your credit score. A credit repair professional will make sure that everything that can be done to improve your scores is being done correctly. You cannot afford to ignore anything.

You have the power to transform your own life. Please don't believe that because you have made financial mistakes in the past that you are destined to live a life of financial gloom. If you take action to repair your credit you will discover a whole new world of possibilities. You can make it happen.

About the Author

If you are ready to transform your life, go to the credit repair forum. If you are a beginner, start here:http://aaacreditguide.com/forums/beginners-credit-information/1023-introduction-to-credit-repair.html"} Introduction to Credit Repair.


Anonymous said...

Before you can repair and fix your credit report problems, you need to understand why troubles with credit reports can be so damaging. If you don't have a good credit report history, you'll struggle to get ahead financially. It may be hard to get a mortgage to buy a home, or a loan to buy a car, but you can get bad credit mortgages with your credit history. Or if lenders do decide to allow you to borrow money, they won't give you very good terms. You'll pay excessively high interest rates for the privilege of borrowing money. That's because if you haven't had a responsible payment history in the past, lenders aren't going to want to take you on as a risk.