
No Bank Account Payday Cash Advance Loans

Rochak Anna

There are countless reasons why you might need a payday cash advance. These are actual stories from many satisfied customers. Because of requests for anonymity, names have been changed to you. The word you.

You've just been mauled by a tiger. Long story, but let's just say that tigers are not as cuddly as one might think. Anyway, since you're in a zoo and bleeding, there aren't many opportunities to get cash quickly so you can have money for a hospital. They know you there and so won't let you in unless you show them you have money. Sounds like a perfect time to get a payday cash advance.

Your son ran off the remote while you were watching Fox news (a special reports about cash advance). Now the news is over and something else is on, something you can't stand because it doesn't have flashy graphics and words like "evil" or people getting killed. So you run out of the apartment after him, trip at the top of the stairs, and land on top of the old lady who lives on the first floor, who is carrying groceries into her place. After eating her chips, you realize she's dead. After your back injury from slipping in Chili's on a piece of a tacquito, you have a hard time pulling heavy weight (the lawsuit is still in litigation, but when it's done you'll be rich. RICH!) so you can't very well drag the old lady around back or hide her in your refrigerator. You realize you need a chainsaw. Hack the body up, carry it out piece by piece to the landfill. But chainsaws are expensive and you won't get paid from cleaning up the john at Chuck E. Cheese's for another week. Sounds like a perfect job for a payday cash advance. Get that chainsaw in a matter of minutes and hack that evidence into easy-carrying pieces. It could mean your freedom.

You met a woman on the internet. You have a hard time meeting women, considering you spend your life on the computer and fail to maintain a somewhat decent appearance, not to mention that you are broke because of taking out a payday cash advance every month. She says she is proportionate and pretty, and from talking to her on email she sounds like she could be The One. She has four kids and receives alimony. She hasn't sent you a picture but looks aren't that all important when it comes to love, right? Right. You make plans to meet at the water park. But you don't want to tell her you can't afford the $12 admission and that your family won't talk to you after scamming them out of $5000 (long, boring story and only half true). If you can't get into this water park you could miss the internet junkie woman of your dreams. Better stop and get a payday cash advance on your way to fun in the sun. And when you do, that beached whale might just not be a whale after all--it could be the love of your life.

You are bowling as per routine, smoking and drinking and waiting for your turn, when a fight breaks out, again. You knock out a couple a guys' teeth. A year later you find the dental bill buried in a sock drawer. Too late to challenge this. You have to pay, plus late fees. Better get a payday cash advance and a strong stick.

As you can see, a no bank account payday loans can be right for any situation. Why not take out two? With the right person and the right scenario, the answer to all your problems can be a simple instant payday advance loan. Why not get one immediately?
